2N 2Wire

Take advantage of the benefits of IP intercoms in places without IP infrastructure

Do you like the IP intercoms in our 2N® Helios IP series, but you don’t have the means to connect
them in an analogue environment or a place with limited IP infrastructure? We have a solution
for you that means you don’t have to lay new cables or make any other building alterations.
What’s more, everything is easy to install!
The 2N® 2Wire converter allows you to use existing wiring (2 wires) from your original door bell or
door intercom to connect any IP device. You don’t have to configure anything, and you only need
one 2N® 2Wire unit at each end of the cable and a power source connected to at least one of
these units. The 2N® 2Wire unit then provides PoE power not only to the second converter, but also
to all other connected IP end devices.
Try our reliable 2N® 2Wire converter and connect any intercom, even in places with no IP network.
You can thus take advantage of the benefits and functions of top-of-the-range IP intercoms from
2N, including video streaming or integration with mobile devices, even in areas with simple

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